Public Meeting #3 Recap

What We’ve Been Up To

We want to take a moment to thank everyone who has been involved in the Eastland for Everyone Community Plan process so far!

Over the last year, we have been hard at work conducting outreach and engagement in the Eastland community, and have engaged more than 1,690 neighbors and reached thousands more. From focus groups, surveys, community office hours, pop-up engagements, topic workshops, to public meetings, each piece of community feedback has been important to this process and directly impacts how the Planning Team and the City of Columbus work together to craft this plan.

What We Covered

The third and final public meeting of the Eastland Community plan took place on October 12, 2024, at Barnett Community Center, with 110 attendees. The focus of this meeting was sharing the draft recommendations, objectives, and action items that will guide the implementation of the plan. These recommendations are centered around community voice and feedback.

Eastland Community Vision

Plan Name & Logo

The presentation was organized by the eight Plan Topics: Housing; Retail, Small Business, & Entrepreneurship; Youth & Education; Community Well-being & Services; Jobs & Opportunity; Mobility & Access; Community Identity & Pride; and Community Gathering.

Recommendations for the Plan Topics were organized into five key categories: Big Ideas, Objectives, Actions, Early Wins, and Catalytic Opportunities.

Together, they provide a framework that balances long-term vision with actionable steps, ensuring that the plan addresses immediate opportunities, while laying the groundwork for sustained growth and transformation in Eastland.

At the end of the presentation, the community had the opportunity to provide feedback on the topic objectives and action items, as well as vote for which suggested catalytic opportunities they’d like to see prioritized.

Draft Plan Organizing Structure 

The section below provides a highlight of the draft recommendations, Early Wins, and Catalytic Opportunities. Please visit the Documents Page for more information and larger images.


Draft Recommendations for Housing

Catalytic Opportunities for Housing

Retail, Small Business, & Entrepreneurship

Draft Recommendations for Retail, Small Business, & Entrepreneurship

Catalytic Opportunity for Retail, Small Business, & Entrepreneurship

Catalytic Opportunity for Retail, Small Business, & Entrepreneurship

Catalytic Opportunity for Retail, Small Business, & Entrepreneurship

Youth & Education

Draft Recommendations for Youth & Education

Catalytic Opportunity for Youth & Education

Community Well-being & Services

Draft Recommendations for Community Well-being & Services

Draft Recommendations for Community Well-being & Services

Early Win for Community Well-being & Services

Jobs & Opportunity

Draft Recommendations for Jobs & Opportunity

Early Win for Jobs & Opportunity

Mobility & Access

Draft Recommendations for Mobility & Access

Early Win for Mobility & Access

Catalytic Opportunity for Mobility & Access

Catalytic Opportunity for Mobility & Access

Catalytic Opportunity for Mobility & Access

Catalytic Opportunity for Mobility & Access

Catalytic Opportunity for Mobility & Access

Community Identity & Pride

Draft Recommendations for Community Identity & Pride

Catalytic Opportunity for Community Identity & Pride

Catalytic Opportunity for Community Identity & Pride

Catalytic Opportunity for Community Identity & Pride

Community Gathering

Draft Recommendations for Community Gathering

Early Win for Community Gathering

Early Win for Community Gathering

Catalytic Opportunity for Community Gathering

Catalytic Opportunity for Community Gathering

Catalytic Opportunity for Community Gathering

Catalytic Opportunity for Community Gathering

Provide Feedback!

These results are being used to finalize the Eastland for Everyone plan. Below, you can add your final thoughts on any of the plan topics. Additionally, if you have any questions please reach out to us!

While the planning process is nearing its end, this is just the beginning of the revitalization and reinvestment in the Eastland community! Thank you for your time, participation, and care over the course of this process.

Is there anything missing from the recommendations? Do you have any comments about the draft recommendations that you'd like to share?


Topic Workshop #5 Recap