• Join us for the Eastland for Everyone Plan Launch celebration on Thursday, March 6th!

About this Plan

Eastland for Everyone is a plan that defines the community’s aspirations and creates a blueprint for the stabilization and revitalization of the Eastland area.

This bold vision for Eastland was forged by the nearly two thousand voices that have worked alongside the City of Columbus Department of Neighborhoods and a team of planners, engagement specialists, and economic development strategists.

Through more than a year of listening, learning, and deciding together, the community has crafted a plan that establishes eight Big Ideas and the objectives and action items to achieve them. This open, transparent, and inclusive process invited community members to work together with the City, private sector, institutional, and non-profit partners to develop recommendations and create an implementation framework that will guide priorities and serve as an accountability structure.

Coupled with five Early Win projects and fifteen Catalytic Opportunities for the future, Eastland will be revitalized and transformed – bringing opportunity, improvement and reinvestment to all corners of the community.

Eastland Plan Area Map